Literary cafe

Nóra Sásdi
Péter Kronavetter DLA
Specialization Design Course
Designed next to the Tailors’ Bastion, the Literary Café continues the fabric of Farkas Street and sits on the edge of the plot, continuing the typical framing structure. The elongated mass alternates between solid and transparent sections: the service units are hidden behind solid walls, while the main functions are visibly displayed. The neighbouring school yard, the church garden, and the garden of the new coffee house, between which it is possible to pass through, are important organizers of my plan. The schoolyard is bustling, the churchyard is a place of contemplation. The garden of the coffee house fits between the two extremes defined on the scale of intensity of use. Due to the proximity of the schools, the children are central aspects, the need for an intimate inner courtyard is met by the filigree fence rising above eye level, in the buildings originally standing on the plot I dreamed up a common room and educational rooms for the children.